"A date is: when a man plans a FUTURE event, calls to ask and confirm, pays, and is at a location that is NOT his home. #getgathered"
The above tweet was liked and retweeted many times over because it is truth. Here is a dummy-proof step by step guide that is printer friendly and can be carried in your wallet should you forget. Follow this to enter a gathered girls heart or her panties. Preferably her heart, but hell if you are just after one thing, at least let her and you enjoy the ride. pun intended. ;) See handy flow chart to follow if you are unsure!
By Thegatheredla (SelectSmart.com)
Is this a Good First Date? Am I a Gathered Man when it comes to dating? |
#1) Is she aware that you want to go out because you are physically/romantically interested in her? |
 YES |
#2) Have you researched/planned an activity to do together? (At least 2 choices) |
 YES |
Is there food/drink options? (Coffee, cocktails, appetizers, meals all count) |
 YES |
#3) Have you discussed the options/plans with date? |
 NO |
Don't be last minute. You're trippin. She is a hot busy lady and is not sitting around waiting on you. Women don't like tepid men. |
NO |
NO |
NO |
You are in the friend zone. This may not be a date in her head. |

Don't be lazy/cheap. You are showing you are not mature and that you're ungathered. |

She may think you are flaking and that she is not important to you. Women don't like tepid men. |
 NO |
#4) Called to confirm 1-3 days before date night?
#5) Then Call/Text to confirm day of date? |
 YES |
#6) Did you meet at designated time and place? |
NO |



Apologize. Try not to be on CPT. |

#7) Is she enjoying your company? |
NO |
#10) Go home, See her safely home, or confirm that she gets home. |
 YES |
#9)Collect your hug/kiss/affection. |
 YES |
#9) You thanked her time/mention seeing her again soon. |
 YES |
#8) You paid for the date? |

Top 3 reasons she's not: 1. you are not being chivalrous/respectful. This sets the tone for the date. 2. inappropriate talking topics 3. being fake/cocky |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
You rock. Awesome date. You're officially a gathered dater. Repeat this cycle at least twice before varying.
www.thegatheredla.com |

Come on, that final touch seals the deal. If she's at your house (winner winner chicken dinner), then don't jump on her like a hungry lion. Take it slow. |

She will be confused if you are still interested in her. She may friend zone you. Be Assertive. Women don't like tepid men. |

WTF?! dutch= friend zone. Don't you dare expect a kiss or some booty. jerk. |

Printer Friendly:
- Inform her that you would like to: take her out, go on a date, go to ____ together,
- Research and Plan 2-3 options of things you would like to do that are not in your or her home/apt/car. Typically this plan includes an interesting activity and some form of food and beverage.
- Discuss researched options and agree on time and place
- Call her to chat and confirm 1 to 3 days before designated day
- Call her day of date. Text may be accepted provided that steps 1-4 have occurred.
- Meet at designated time and place
- Enjoy her company
- Pay for date
- Thank her for time, mention seeing her again, wish her a good night, hug and/or kiss as appropriate, take your ass home.
- repeat cycle at least 2 more times before varying.
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