How to Rock the Fishtail Braid
Happy Friday Fashionistas! I, intrepid blogger that I am, have put Tropical Storm Karen preparations on hold to being you a quick post on how to rock one of my favorite hairstyles to lust over. I say lust over, because I have NEVER worn this style - braiding is one of my kryptonite skillsets. That is to say, I don't braid very well! (I can barely re-do a box braid that fell out and I cannot cornrow to save my life!)
Ah, the fishtail braid. Le poisson braide! Zut alors! Please forgive my lapse into ecstatic French, but I was poetic over this braid, which can be worn messily or neatly, and is appropriate for everything from the office to the club and in between. This braid, which has been on trend for awhile now, is often rocked by celebs and starlets.
Beautiful. Sophisticated. Seductive.
But how does one accomplish this? It's not like I can tell you, but I checked youtube, and found a simple video that will have you rocking fishtail braids at will. As soon as you learn you can come to my house and do my hair...

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