She Rocked It: Big Coats Trend
We love when one of our readers is caught bringing hot fashion to real life. Gathered Lady Deanna did a fabulous job with rocking one of the hottest trends this season "Big Coats". We listed it in our 7 Heavenly Trends for Fall 2013 post, but have yet to see many women successfully pull of this look. Check out our trend examples and the catchy way Deanna used color blocking and contrast for a eye-catching combination. Notice her coat is only a half size to one size larger than her frame. The structure of the coat balances the body conscience style of her chic pencil skirt. That's how it's done! Style. You have it. We Love it.
Big Coats from Fall 2013 Fashion Week Runway
LA Fashionista Deanna
Have you rocked one of our style picks or the hottest trends? If so share your pics with us @ The Gathered Lady on facebook, twitter, or instagram. If we like it, we'll share it.

Reader Comments (1)
Coats are simply timeless and you can combine them with literally anything so I like this oversized coat trend a lot!