How to Rock... Gathered Sleepwear
Happy Friday Fashionistas! On this fine day, I want to draw attention to a key area which, many times, is often left ungathered: sleepwear. What are you wearing to bed, these days? Be honest... is it a mangy garment? A holy night shirt? Old gym shorts? Or worse? Relax. I'm not judging you. Once upon a time, that was my MO too. But I changed all of that, and getting married had nothing to do with it, as I'm sure many married gathered ladies can attest to. All too often, it's the comfort of marriage that lulls you from leaving your hot, sexy, gathered night game at the door in exchange for whatever faded, stretched out clothing is available from the discard pile.
Well look no further! I am here to at least submit to you for your consideration some elements of a gathered sleepwear wardrobe. There are so many types of wonderful options to sleep in that will leave you comfortable, refreshed in the morning, enticing to your sleep buddy--or whatever you want to do instead of sleep buddy-- , and gathered in the morning. Using these guidelines get ready to get beauty rest, indeed.
1. Robe Game
Let's talk about robe game. I hate to sound like my mom --who is a gathered lady and appallingly right about such things-- but every gathered lady needs a robe. There, I said it. Robes are great for use when lounging around the house and for getting ready for an important event (formal evening, wedding) because you don't want to spill makeup on your clothes and they won't mess up your hair since they don't go over your head. Also, when there are guests in the house, it's more decent and respectful to wear a robe over your unbound bazinga boobs!! (<-- A rule I live by!) Perhaps the best thing about robes is their diversity. There's one for every girl out there, and for men too. Whether you like long, short, terry, silk, satin, kimono, lace, summer, or winter, there is a robe with your name on it. Personally, I own about 5, not including my husband's hooded robe, which I steal all the time. (What? I haven't had a chance to buy myself one.)
2. Slipper Game
I shouldn't have to work very hard to convince you why a fly pair of slippers will step up your sleepwear. Hello? They're shoes!! I'm willing to hazard a guess that most of our readership doesn't need much cajoling to get out there and go showe shopping. Hell, I would have finished this post an hour ago if I hadn't gotten distracted by salsa shoes on sale on Amazon! Get out there, and make yourself happy.
3. Nightgowns, Night Shirts, Panties, Oh My!
Nightgowns and nightshirts are my personal faves to wear to bed -- what you wear under them.. if anything.. is a matter of personal choice. Sexy, comfy, and forgiving, this sleepwear is also diverse enough to appeal to anyone. From graphic designs to slik and satin, from long to short, and from long sleeved to spaghetti strapped, the main concern with these items is to learn to keep a careful eye on maintenance. If it's getting faded, it torn, has a hole, or has shrunk... get rid of it. I realize that what I'm saying has probably elicited gasps of dismay, but it's necessary to stay gathered. Besides, there's always a new favorite piece waiting out there in the shops!
4. Pajamas
Some say pjs are the "comfort food" of sleepwear. To that I say "nom, nom, nom." Once again, pjs are a matter of self-expression. Just ensure that they're not faded, stained, stretched, torn, or worse, and you're good to go! Pair these with slippers and a robe and Go. To. Town.
5. Sleep Accessories
Once you're wearing the right thing, it's time to let the sandman in. That's where cool and gathered sleep accessories come in. A gathered woman's boudoir is her sanctuary, and a place where she can calm herself and rest. What's your nighttime environment like? Try for calm, meditative, uncluttered, and stylish. I can personally recommend that a good sleep mask, a cup of tea before bed, and a little aromatherapy goes a long way towards la-la land. Try it out and see for yourself - your bedroom is an area of the house that others don't see, but the time investment to set it up properly is not time wasted! YOU (and your hot homie-lover-friend) will have a chance to enjoy all that serenity. Go for it!
Ahem, you may have noticed that the very important category of lingerie was not covered in today's post... while it is certainly gathered sleepwear, it's in a category all its own. We'll tackle that in another post!
So, what do you think? Did we get it right? Have any gathered sleepwear tips to share? Tell us on facebook, twitter, or email! If we like it, we'll post it!

Reader Comments (2)
Those are nice sleepwear & great range of Sleepwear accessories. To add to the list i found some great range of sportswear, active wear, womens lingerie, sleepwear at Latina Clothing they have a good range at affordable prices.
Great Information!! These are really very good sleepwear accessories provided in this information. These sleepwear are really comfortable and suits according to the need of women.