The Gathered Lady List, Vol. 1
Happy Friday, Fashionistas! This post is the first of what I am sure will be a popular series here on THe Gathered Lady... the Gathered Lady List! This is a place for me to rant give props and cheers to gathered ladies and things that have grabbed our attention, as well as sideye the hell out of boo and hiss let the world know about their not-so-gathered counterparts. All in good fun of course...
Gathered: Kerry Washington
- Emmy-nominated actress; character Olivia Pope from Scandal, voted one of the Best Dressed Characters TV Characters of 2013 by Vanity Fair
- Fashionista Extraordinaire
- Political advocate and Activist for women's rights and V-day
Gathered: Janelle Monae
- Fashionista and hair idol
- 6 Grammy nominations, critically-acclaimed singer, composer
- Founder of the Wondaland Arts Society
- Discovered by Big Boi of Outkast
Gathered: Amber Riley
- Most famous for playing Mercedes Jones of Glee; main cast member
- Dancing with the stars front-runner, season 17
- Curvy and proud fashionista
Gathered: Wendy Davis
- Lawyer, Democratic Representative of District 10, Texas State Senate
- Women's Right Advocate
- 11 hour filibuster to block Senate Bill 5, a bill banning abortion after 20 weeks and forcing closure of the majority of clinics providing abortions.
- Started a pink sneaker trend during filibuster; fashionista
And of course, we could not help but notice... there are some, 'ahem' ungathered ones...
Ungathered: Miley Cyrus
- Formerly Disney child star, Billboard chart-topping recording artist
- Sexually-explicit ungathered performances at concerts, culminating in VMA performance
- Cultural appropriation and perversion of the "twerk", a dance stright out of New Orleans (She dared???)
- Naked on a wrecking ball?!?
Ungathered: Kate Gosselin
- Mom from reality show John and Kate Plus 8 (have sextuplets and twins)
- Messy, ugly infighting and public divorce; show renamed Kate Plus 8
- Left career as registered nurse; now a professional reality personality
- 2010 season of the Dancing with the Stars
- Newly released cookbook to raise money to "support her family"
Ungathered: Senator Ted Cruz
- Republican, Texas US Senate as of 2013; recently elected in 2012, filling seat left vacant by Kay Bailey Hutchinson
- Anti-Obamacare Advocate
- Recent filibuster against a bill temporarilty preventing government shutdown was a publicity stunt in the campaign to hold the government hostage against the abolition of the Affordable Care Act. (He obviously was "inspired" by Wendy Davis).
Well, that's all for now, folks! And for you ungathered ones on the list: there is hope. You can still turn yourself around! Do you agree with the list? Why or why not? Comment, email or facebook us and add your gathered suggestions to the list!

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