What to Wear to a Wedding
Spring has segued into early summer, and guess what? It’s wedding season! There’s not a gathered lady of any age that doesn’t have a wedding to attend at least once a year, and some even more. The most pressing question: what to wear? We’ll save the bridal advice and wedding trends for another post, and give the advice most helpful to the masses... how to be a gathered guest!
Of course, being a gathered guest is more than wearing a cute ‘fit, ya know? However, everyone from David Tutera to Emily Post has written tomes and blurbs on what and what not to do and say with regular updates. And so today, we gathered lady bloggers will stay in our lane and help you out with style inspiration!
But first, some cardinal rules....
DO NOT wear solid white. Patterns or color blocking where the white is not dominant are a-okay. Yes, some brides don’t care... but many do. Or their mom. Or granny. You get my point. There is a clever way to wear white (it is summer, after all) that will not offend, and it includes tucking it into a pattern, or in a color block. See below for examples. Now, if it’s an all white wedding and you’ve been asked to wear all white, ignore me.
DO NOT dress too sexy. Yes, you can meet a hottie nice young man at a wedding, but that is a happy circumstance and not a mission. Don’t vamp it up and be that girl. Be a gathered lady instead.
DO pay attention to the posted “attire” on the invite, e-vite, website, whatever. If you haven’t a clue what the attire is, or need some help understanding the made up phraseology (what the hell is "picnic chic"?! < -- This is a real example!) call someone in the know.
PS: Remember to always rsvp and never get drunk and hit on someone in the wedding party, steal the table flower arrangement, or comment on how bad someone’s kids are be the ungathered guest.
Here are some examples of wedding guest ensembles that will work wonderfully with the most common wedding types. (If you get invited to a crazy themed, superhero, or renaissance fair wedding, you’re on your own... our bad.)
Garden/Outdoor Summer Wedding
- A garden or outdoor occasion is a perfect time to work in the spring/summer florals trend.
- Use the accessories to add a pop of color!
- We suggest platforms or flats... you never know what the ground surface will be like. Wear stilettos at your peril!
- White is hidden beneath a pattern!
- Hat is optional. Use your judgement.
Formal Evening Wedding
- True formal weddings mean adhering to a formal dress length for the guests also.
- Emerald trend alert! Check out that amazing draping on that dress.
- Gold accents are classic and pair excellently with green.
Semi-Formal Wedding
- A semi-formal occasion means is pretty synonymous with cocktail attire. Don’t be afraid to use color.
- White is a part of a color block pattern and serves only to play up the coral.
- Depending on whether the occasion is indoors or the climate, you may want to pair this with a jacket or scarf. Use the opportunity for another pop of (complimentary) color!
Church Wedding
- Because you have no earthly idea what another person’s church’s rules are, be sure to follow general modesty rules. Cover your shoulders, stomach, back, and knees COMPLETELY.
- Again, white is a color block in the dress, and not dominant.
- We were daring here and included a transparent top, but make up for that with a camisole.
Casual/Informal Wedding
- Casual means casual. However, as a Southern gathered lady I just have to advocate wearing structured and fitted clothing to an occasion! Hence, no baggy sweaters. Remember, you will be in pictures!
- The neon and denim are daring choices, but go ahead if the wedding is casual. These are perfect dancing clothes!
Vegas Drunk Wedding
- Wear what you like! No one will remember.
What’s the craziest outfit you’ve ever seen at a wedding? Did you gasp out loud? Dish in the comment section below, on our Facebook page, or on Twitter @thegatheredlady!
Did we miss an occasion that you don’t have figured out? Send us a message at thegatheredlady@gmail.com and we’ll help you find an outfit and post the results!