Dating & Mating: How to dress for a Thanksgiving date
Happy Friday fashionistas! Fall is in the air, the grocery stores are ripe with plenty, and Turkey Day is right around the corner. It's a great time for life... and love. Speaking of you and your boo, are you planning to spend Thanksgiving together? His family, yours, or both? If you're spending even a few minutes of the holiday with your honey and his family or friends, you've got yourself a Thanksgiving Date situation!
A little awkward dinner conversation is part of the fun! You look great though. Seriously.
Thanksgiving can be a challenge not only for those trying to manufacture cooking skills (!), but also for those of us headed to a family not their own to spend the holiday. I mean, we know what to expect from Aunt Earlene and Uncle Skeeter at our Thanksgiving, but what's waiting over there at his family's house? Let's face it: Thanksgiving is a holiday often used to introduce or familiarize a significant other to not only immediate family, but also extended family and friends in a "celebratory" atmosphere, but those undercurrents can run deep, and you only get one chance to make a first impression. Gathered ladies that you are, you've poise and sophistication on lock. Gathered ladies that we are, we've got fashion on lock. Let's combine forces and tackle how to dress for your Thanksgiving date.
Ground Rules
1. Don't go in blind. Investigate!
In as much as you can, leave nothing to the imagination. Ask your sweetie what the gathered will be like! Time of day, activities, traditions, number of guests, number of kids, indoor or outdor... these can all be helpful hints to ensure that you're dressed not only to impress, but also appropriately. You don't want to show up to a football Thanksgiving gathered dressed in a Chanel suit! You also don't want to wear expensive fragile silk when the ladies always help in the kitchen. The more you know... the easier it is to avoid faux pas. Ask away!
2. Dress Cleverly!
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to dress cleverly. Clever = smart. Not too provocative, fashion forward, or complicated. What we mean by this is using some techniques like layering, accessorizing, hair, and makeup, you can cleverly play up a more simple outfit. I've been to many types of Thanksgiving gatherings, and one thing I've learned is that complicated outfits don't pay. I've definitely been grateful when I was able to peel off a layer, or take off jewelry or shoes and get more casual, however. (For instance, when playing with kids, needing to sit on the floor, or deciding to go out for a walk.) Leaving an extra pair of casual flats on the car is not a bad idea either, considering what type of celebration you're going to or the length of time you plan on staying. I've even heard of families that change clothes to go outside and play sports or games.
3. Always bring something!
This is not exactly a piece of advice about what to wear, but what you bring is part of that overall impression we were talking about. Wine, flowers, cheese, candy, and dessert are easy go-tos. If you're a barefoot contessa type, call ahead and ask about what you can make for the celebration. Leaving folks in a dead swoon over your sweet potato praline surprise will make the best impression ever! Hint: bonus points for recipe sharing! Another fine contribution is a game or activity for others to try. If you're good with kids and enjoy spending time with them, bring something for them to enjoy. All of these things are big winners and show a generous spirit, which will be appreciated.
Now you have all you need to shock and awe everyone at Thanksgiving with your poise and fabulousness! Did we get it right? Comment below or facebook us your experiences, and if we like, we'll share!