The Wonderful World of Poshmark
TGIF fashionistas!
So, I just can't get off that money-saving train of thought from last week. As the belt squeezes tighter, and I waste away wait patiently to break out of money prison like Django reach my financial goals, I am honing my skills as a true fiscal fashionista, a bargain bunny. (<-- I made that up, but it's brilliant!) To that end, I've not only add clothing rental and subscription boxes to my bargain-hunting arsenal.. I've discovered the wonderful world of Poshmark!
What it is and how it works
Poshmark is basically the clothing co-op of your dreams. It's an online marketplace for buying and selling clothes, shoes, and accessories. There's an iphone and ipad app!
Everyone has had clothes in their closet that they don't wear anymore (or have never worn) right? And I'm sure all of you have wanted to make some extra money off of those clothes, either to buy new ones that you will wear or for some other (amazing, important, brilliant) reason. I certainly have. Thing is, it's really inconvenient for me in New Orleans, because I don't always have the time or the inclination to drive down to Buffalo Exchange -- or whatever other buy-and-sell boutique I think will take my stuff -- and stand in line. Not to mention the ever-present challenge of some boutiques not being able to handle my bodaciously curvy, large sized clothes! (I can't tell you the number of places that don't carry large sizes and aren't interested in buying them.)
All those problems are solved with Poshmark. Instead of finding a reputable place to buy your oh-so-fashonable cast-offs, or waiting for a clothing swap meet, you can sell, shop, and buy from the privacy of your own home. You start by creating a short profile on the website, which connects to facebook. Start shopping and posting your own clothes for sale and you're off!
The High Points
- Posting clothes for sale is easy and there's "Covershot", an instagram-like function on the app that lets add filters and effects to make your fabulous sale items look even more fab!
- The "Poshmark Promise" is a satisfaction guarantee that Poshmark will make everyone from buyer to seller happy and safe.
- Sellers ship up to 2 lbs free with pre-paid shipping labels sent for each purchase. All you have to do is pack it and get it to the mailbox.
- Poshmark pays all credit-card processing fees so that you can take credit card payments for your sold items. No fees to withdraw your money from Poshmark once the sale is made.
- Use your credits and redeemable balance from your sales to buy fashion on Poshmark.
- Poshmark protects buyers by not delivering payment until you verify you have received the items you bought.
- Poshmark does all the customer support work for transactions. No dealing with the customer for you! (<-- As someone who's worked in retail, this is a reason to CELEBRATE!! #twerkmode)
- Poshmark hosts themed group sales called "parties". You can add your items for sale to any party to increase their visibility. These also turn out to be a great place to start shopping.
- Poshmark is linked into all the major social networks - facebook, instagram, pinterest, twitter. In fact, you link your facebook account to the site and app and it will let you know which ones of your facebook friends have been holding out on you! The more people you follow, the more closets you can shop.
- Poshmark has a "shop my closet" widget for fashion bloggers. Yay!
The Low Points
- There is no android app for Poshmark. I repeat, there is no android app for Poshmark. Noooooo app. None. Annnd... the app is the only way that you can post items for sale. At this point, all my android fashionistas must be making a gas face. I'm with you ladies, I'm one of you. But before you start marching on the apple store chanting GIVE US FREE... consider that you can still shop! And of course, like most apple-locked sites, they SWEAR they're busily working on an app for android and it'll come out anytime soon...
- Poshmark charges a whopping 20% on your sale as a "commission fee". Remember that margin when you price your items! To be fair, however, that is the only fee that is charged. Unlike paypal and others that have multiple fees, Poshmark only has one. A big one.
- 1-2 week shipping time for items!! What is this, 2002?
- Buyers pay shipping, which is a flat rate of 4.99 for items 25$ and above and 6.99 for anything else. Poshmark ships to the US only.
- Poshmark assumes that you received the shipment and all was well if they don't hear from you 3 days after the order was scheduled to be received. What's that old saying about assumptions again?
- No return policy! Damaged, missing, wrong, and fraudulent items will basically be handled on a case by case basis. You have to contact customer support to get all that going.
- You can't change your username after you pick it, so pick wisely.
My Poshmark Feed
So there it is, my breakdown of the wonderful world of poshmark. I hope that it becomes another tool in your bargain bag-o-tricks! Are you a poshmarker? Love it or hate it, share your thoughts with us on facebook or the comment box below!

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