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Dating & Mating: How To Make Yourself More Attractive

So our friend Jackie shared a interesting video on the science of beauty. Yes, there's a science to it! Quite fascinating to ponder the math and science of your face, but how does that translate into what a regular woman can do to increase the recognition of her beauty? I've scoured lots of research and articles, and combined that info with my own personal findings.  Here are the easiest and most essential tips to help out! Share your thoughts on the video!





  • Figure out your best haircut and hair colour for your face. Don't know? Ask your friends, ask some men, ask a professional. Too afraid to cut or change your hair? Try on wigs and take pictures, then share the pic collage with close friends and ask them to vote. This way you'll notice which styles draw the most attention.


  • Get your skin clear. This is a sign of health. Buy a moisturizer for day (with spf 15 at least) and night and apply religiously. Hydrated skin is happy skin.
  • Look well groomed. Being neat is more appealing than being trendy. Nobody is attracted to sloppy or disheveled attire.
  • Enhance your eyes and lips. Make your lashes bold. I recommend a mascara with fibers for additional length like Loreal Million Lashes.  For your lips- try lipstick (not just a nude or pink tone). There is plenty of research that shows men are attracted to red lips!
  • Get healthy. Again, the health part is important. Health is not only fitness and figure related, but it's mostly about good self-care and wellness. You know when you're on your health game and when you're not, so I won't preach. But I will say: water, fruits & veggies, plenty of sleep, get an outlet for stress (exercise, a hobby, a pet, a club, etc.)

Simple right? Now all you have to do is keep your personal style on point and you're a knockout. Try reading What to wear on a first date, and other Dating & Mating articles! Click on the tag "dating" for more articles!


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